Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Toys R' Us Events


I was really excited to hear that Toys R' Us is having nation wide grand opening and reopening events at some of their stores in the upcoming months. One of these opening events is taking place in Roanoke, Virginia this Friday, July 23rd. If you live out in that area, you'll want to stop by. The first 100 moms who come to these events will receive Toys R' Us moms gift bags full of gifts and special offers. If you are a blog reader who doesn't live in Virginia, then don't worry about missing out. You can check to see if one of these fun events will be taking place in your area. You can find out all the details at You'll want to visit this website to download your "secret coupon". You can take it with you to the event at your local store to reveal your shopping discount. It could be up to 50% off one item. Man, the things I'd buy with a 50% off coupon. LOL

We are huge Toys R' Us fans here in our household. We just celebrated my oldest son's fourth birthday on July 5th and we made sure we stopped by our local Toys R' Us store on his birthday since we are part of their birthday club. They gave him a sweet little crown and a balloon to celebrate his big day. They also sent us some great coupons in the mail too. If you haven't signed your child up for their birthday club, be sure to do it. You won't want to miss out on those great savings.

We also recently visited our local store when they had a Thomas the Tank engine event about two weekends ago. Thomas is huge here in our house. Both my boys love playing with our train table and that is the first thing they want to see when we got to Toys R' Us. The Thomas event is something Toys R' Us has done every few months and it is a nice little event. They had the trains for the kids to play with, as well as some Thomas coloring sheets. They also read the kids a Thomas story. It was a nicely done event and we hope to attend another soon.

I think it is great Toys R' Us is recognizing the importance of family and the role mom's play by sponsoring these Toys R' Us Mom events nationwide. I'm excited to be able to share with you more information on this campaign in the upcoming months. I'd love to hear if you get to attend an event in your area.

So the FTC is happy, I want to share that I am receiving a promotional incentive from Toys“R”Us as a thank you for telling my blog readers about the Grand Opening weekends.

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