Thursday, November 4, 2010

Target 75% off Halloween

What an exciting morning it has been here.  First, I have to shout it from the rooftops that my baby boy who turned 2 pooped on the potty today for the first time!  I know from just having gotten the oldest finally potty trained that I'm going to have to take a relaxed attitude, but it is nice to get that first time out of the way.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled blog post. LOL  After preschool drop off this morning, Logan and I went to Target.  We hit the mother load people.  Target had gone 75% off on the Halloween stuff. We got two costumes (one for $3 and one for $5) and some fun Halloween signs that were 50 cents a piece.  I figured the Halloween costumes would be great for dress up.  I also stocked up and got two bags of M&Ms.  They are great for potty training.  We got some spooky spider webs.  I also got three of those Disney Light Spinners. There was a Tinkerbell one which I'll give my niece and the boys will get the Mickey Mouse spinners. I thought they would make perfect stocking stuffers for my boys. 

So all in all it was a great shopping day at Target.  I was so tempted to buy more Halloween lights, but I know we have enough so I was trying to be good.

Hope you are having a great day in your neck of the woods!

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