Monday, August 15, 2011

Serenity Now: a mommy's solution to staying sane

This week I am going to be sharing with you some blogs I like to read.  I'll be sharing another post on Wednesday and then on Friday.  I think it is nice to find out about other great bloggers and I know I appreciate when other bloggers are kind enough to give me a shout out.  So today I wanted to share with you Serenity Now which is written by Amanda. 


I don't know tons of bloggers "in real life", but I do know Amanda.  I think that you'll see from her blog that she has a great sense of humor.  She likes to blog on similar topics that I do which include: cute crafts, being a mommy, recipes, and a dash of fashion thrown in as well.  I recently discovered a great tile craft project that she did that I think will be perfect for my MOPS group.  You never know what kinds of gems you'll discover when reading her blog. 

So be sure to stop by Amanda's blog and tell her I sent you.  Hope you are having a great day in your neck of the woods!

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