Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Where in the World...

I'm happy to be back blogging today.  Since September, things have been crazy in so many ways. But the most life altering situation I've dealt with occurred in October when I found out that I have been diagnosed with food allergies.  I am allergic to peas (how random), wheat, and baker's yeast.  My symptoms have progressed so much that I now have to have an epi pen and Benadryl.  I'm scared to death to eat anywhere.  The wheat and peas have been the easiest to deal with, but the baker's yeast is so difficult.  I've been losing weight since I can't have any breads of any kind. There are pros and cons, believe it or not.

So, along with being busy as a room mother to my kids and just figuring out what in the world I can safely eat has been a challenge. But, I am hopeful that it will all come together soon.

Also, we are finally getting a new laptop. Yay!  So I hope that will allow me the chance to get back to blogging.  I have been decorating my house for Christmas and will start sharing pictures. 

So, that is where in the world I have been.   Hope you are having a great day in your neck of the woods.

1 comment:

Shonda said...

Oh, my, Shelly! I'm so sorry! I don't have allergies, but I can imagine that it's not easy to figure out what to eat. I have many gluten free friends. I hope you find things to eat. Lot's of fruit, veggies, dairy and meat I guess!