Sunday, February 3, 2008

Deceptively Delicious Recipe Review #6

Deceptively Delicious Recipe Review #6 Quesadillas

We had this recipe last week and I am finally getting an opportunity to review it. This recipe calls for Navy beans and butternut squash. I roasted the butternut squash the night before which made it very easy to get out. I've never had or made butternut squash and it was hard to cut the end off, but once it is roasted it is very easy to scoop out. The Navy beans on the other hand were a pain. The recipe calls for using canned Navy beans, but the oh so helpful Wal Mart staff pointed me in the direction of dried beans. Well, that meant having to soak them and I ended up with way more than I needed. I will plan ahead and get the navy beans from another store next time.
The recipe also calls for using salsa. I bought Pace picante sauce (that is just what we like). There is a recipe for salsa in the cookbook, but I didn't have time to make that.
This recipe uses browned chicken pieces. I recommend buying the chicken strips and chopping those pieces up. They will cook quicker and it is easier for small eaters.
My little taste tester did a great job eating this. I had to cut it up in small pieces, but he liked it. The taste of the whole quesadilla was pretty good. I wasn't real thrilled with the navy beans in it, but the butternut squash was fine.
Since the taste was pretty good, but the navy beans were a pain, we give this 4 Cheerios.
One nice thing is the tortillas get crispy in the oven. As you can see, I cooked mine on a Pampered Chef stone.

And now I thought I'd leave you with pictures of my beautiful blooming amaryllis. It finally started blooming all 4 blooms yesterday. Red is my favorite color, so this is so cheery to have inside during the cold winter days.

Until my next review, which I hope will be later this week, Bon Appetite!


Paula@SweetPea said...

I can't say that I'll be in any hurry to try this recipe. Navy beans and butternut squash just don't seem to go with quesadillas to me.

Your Amaryllis is just gorgeous. It is really putting on a show for you.

Margaret Kane Ward said...

I didn't know when I was younger that cooked beans could be frozen.

I will cook up 1 or 2 lbs of dried beans (any kind) in the crockpot; after they're done cooking, I'll portion 1 3/4 cups beans along with about 3/4 cup cooking liquid in a freezer container.

When I need "canned" beans, I'll pull a "can" from the freezer and thaw (sometimes even in the microwave). Very frugal!!! And isn't frugal chic, too? :)

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