Happy Friday everyone! The sun is finally shining here. I'm over cold, rainy weather. I guess I'd better get used to it because spring won't be here anytime soon.
Logan had his 2 month check up today and he weighed in at a whopping 12 pounds 12 ounces. We are having to return some of the clothes he was given for Christmas because he is already too big for them. He is already wearing 3 month size clothes. Poor little guy had to get 5 shots. He had a good report and is doing well. I'm sure he will sleep a lot this afternoon. I hope that we get some sleep tonight. Yikes!
My Fabulous Favorite Friday pick today is Cover Girl's new Tru Blend make up. I bought this a few weeks ago. They had a coupon in the Sunday paper where if you bought one CG product you got one free. So, I bought a bottle of their foundation and got their Tru Blend minerals powder. I love this makeup. I had been using Mary Kay foundation, but with the holidays here I needed to save a few bucks and decided to give this makeup a try. I am so glad I did.
The thing I love about this foundation is that it isn't heavy feeling on my face. It blends in really easy and gives a smooth finish. It lasts me all day. I also really like the powder. It doesn't feel heavy either and it goes on easily. The provide you with a powder puff and a little bit goes a long way. I have combination skin and this seems to work well for me.
I didn't know this when I bought mine and discovered afterwards that CG has a numbering system so that if you buy they foundation and want to match up the powder, then there is a number on the front of each of the products that you match. As you can see from the picture above, that is #1 and if you want the powder you just get #1. My powder number doesn't match the foundation, it is a shade darker but you can't tell when I wear it. It is actually a good thing for me because I'm so fair that having the powder a tad darker is good for the winter and gives me a little bit of color. So it all worked out.
I highly recommend this makeup. The price is great especially if you are trying to cut costs. With the tough economic times folks are facing, you've got to watch your pennies these days. I believe the bottle of foundation ran around $7 at Wal Mart. And as I mentioned, I got the powder for free by using a coupon from the Sunday paper so keep your eyes peeled for great deals like that. I've used Mary Kay, Clinique, and Lancome in the past and I think this stacks up to them just as well with just a cheaper price tag.
Since it seems like so many celebrities are hawking makeup these days, spokeswomen for this make up are Ellen Degeneres, Queen Latifah, Drew Barrymore. And I'm sure there is someone else I'm forgetting. Such a wide, diverse group of folks for these products.
If you end up trying this makeup, I'd love to hear how you like it. Be sure to drop me an email or leave a comment here on the blog.
Here is wishing you a great weekend!