Happy Wednesday everyone! The weather is so crummy here. It is cold and rainy. At least if it was going to e crummy weather to prevent us to go outside, we'd like to see some pretty snow flakes.
Today I thought I'd share two of my recent Target finds. The first are these cute pair of cleaning gloves. They were only a dollar in the dollar spot. They had another pair too which I believe were some kind of blue pattern. I love this cheery lime green and pink combo. It is so girly. I thought they were so cute. I might as well try to look chic while cleaning the bathrooms. Forget the June Cleaver pearls and heels, get yourself a cute pair of gloves. With Valentine's Day coming up, these would be a fun, inexpensive thing to give a friend. Show some glove love to your hands and your friend's hands.

My second Target find were these Wellington boots. I bought these about 2 weeks ago. I've had my eye on them for a while and figured I'd take a chance to see if they would go on clearance and they did. They were originally $24 and they marked them down to $12. I loved this pair because I knew they would look cute with lots of different outfits. Since we get primarily rain and not tons of snow, I figured these would be a good thing to have. I wore them out last night for girl's night out. They kept my feet dry and they weren't too hot. My jeans were able to tuck in them comfortably (notice the adjustable straps on the sides). So, I highly recommend them.
They also had another pair of these boots that had different hearts all over them. They were really cute too.
I hope things are going well in your part of the world. Have a happy hump day!
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