Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day. I'm out hugging a tree and running through the dew in my bare feet and singing "The hill are alive with the sound of music". Um, I wish. More like I'm dealing with a toddler who has decided to throw tantrums after 10 minutes to show me he is independent. We had to have a come to Jesus meeting in the Walgreen's this morning where he learned that if we don't hold mama's hand we get put in the basket. And thanks so much to the older lady who was in line behind me and asked, "Does he act like this at home?" I was so tempted to say, "only when I beat him" but I just shook my head and explained he is 18 months old and that is when kids get an independent attitude.

The sun has finally come out which helps. I think it should always be sunny on earth day. And to celebrate earth day I bought some reusable bags at Walgreen's. They are a great deal this week at three for a dollar. I love using those bags when I shop. They hold so much more and make it much easier.

I've also decided we are grilling out tonight and I've got some veggies marinating in olive oil and Mrs. Dash. This is a great way to grill vegetables. We aren't huge fans of squash and zucchini, but love it with the olive oil and Mrs. Dash. We will also have some grilled chicken.

So that is how I'm spending my earth day. I'll be sure to recycle the glass wine bottle I'm sure I'll need to pop open after dealing with these toddler tantrums. LOL

Hope you are having a great day in your neck of the woods!

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