Friday, September 30, 2011

Top Chef Just Desserts


One of my favorite no calorie sweet treats has been the show Top Chef Just Desserts.  If you don't watch it or haven't caught it, it comes on Wednesday evenings on Bravo.  It comes on at 10 p.m. at my house.  This show is one of my guilty pleasures.  With all the stress I've been under recently due to all these medical tests I'm going through, I love looking forward to Wednesday nights when this show comes on.

The show has contestants that go through various challenges every week that are dessert based.  They are just on their creativity and of course the taste of their dish.  One of my favorite episodes happened two weeks ago where they had the original cast from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory come and they chefs prepared a Wonka land room.  The things they did were incredible.  I would love to have been able to go through that room.  Just walking through and taking in the wonder of it all must have been incredible. 

Bravo runs lots of reruns of their shows, so if you haven't been watching and want to catch up, check your local listing.  There are still enough folks left that if you picked up watching now you would still enjoy it.

This is the second season of Top Chef Just Desserts and I think it is better than the first.  I think the show has found its groove. The folks who competed in the first season were great, but I just think the show seems more focused and what I expect of Top Chef. 

Are you watching Top Chef Just Desserts and if so, who do you want to win? 

Hope you are having a great day in your neck of the woods!

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