Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Snow Pictures 2012


Well yesterday I took the day off because we finally got a snow day here in Virginia!  Snow moved into our area later in the day on Sunday and it continued snowing until the wee hours of Monday morning.  So Sunday night and yesterday morning we had the kids out in the snow.  Here are some pictures of our fun in the winter wonderland.  Which by the way, has already started melting away.

These first few pictures were taken around 8 Sunday night.  We let the kids go out while it was still snowing since that was going to be the best time to play in the snow. Those white specks in the picture are the snowflakes that were coming down fast.  The warmer temps rolled in by mid morning yesterday, so the snow has already started to melt away and we can see patches of grass.

This is Sawyer making his snow man.  He was so cute and so proud of his snowman.

We made two snowmen with our kits from Target we got there back in December.  I thought we would never get to use them this year.

I took a picture of these big birds that went to the tops of these high trees.  As you can see, they were sunning themselves trying to keep warm. 

So have you been getting any winter weather in your area?  Hope you are having a great day in your neck of the woods!

1 comment:

Shonda said...

How fun! We had snow in January. Check out my pics: http://www.milknhoneylearnandgrow.blogspot.com/2012/01/free-and-fun-friday-snow-day.html