What a morning it has been. Had errands to run and there is always so much to do. Got some good deals and things accomplished, so that always helps makes the day better.
I used a pumpkin bread recipe by Alton Brown from the Food Network website. The bread cooked beautifully, a lot longer than the recipe called for by the way, but when I went to cut it and eat it I was not impressed at all. Actually, I hated it. So, I definitely won't be making that
Yesterday's baking project of pumpkin bread ended up being a fun project to help us pass away the afternoon. I really like baking with Sawyer, but I feel like I'm working with an octopus because his little hands are flying and he wants to put things like egg shells into the mix. So, it is definitely a teaching session on what goes in the mixer. LOL
I used a pumpkin bread recipe by Alton Brown from the Food Network website. The bread cooked beautifully, a lot longer than the recipe called for by the way, but when I went to cut it and eat it I was not impressed at all. Actually, I hated it. So, I definitely won't be making that
pumpkin bread recipe again.
But, that is ok we had a fun day making it and that is what counts. I think cooking with your kids is one of the most fun things you can do with them. Yeah it is messy and stressful sometimes, but it is so worth it.
By the way, if you are wondering about the apron Sawyer is wearing, I wish he would have stayed still and cooperated so I could get a picture of the front of it. His Nonni, my mom, brought that to him as a gift from England when she went there this summer. It is made out of an oil cloth type
material which is nice so you can wipe it down. It has Paddington Bear on the front. It is really cute.
So as you can see I documented Sawyer "helping" me through the baking process. He is especially humorous to watch as he is mesmerized by the big mixer going around.
On another note, I'm super excited about The Office tonight. Jim and Pam are going to finally tie the knot. I wonder who will catch the bouquet, Kelly or Angela. Can you say cat fight waiting to happen? Good thing Phyllis got
married or that could have been really crazy. Can you imagine her going after that bouquet with Kelly and Angela? LOL
So, is anyone else excited about the Jim and Pam wedding?
Check back here tomorrow for my Fabulous Favorite Friday post. Can't wait to share a great product and also I'll be sharing details on a give away.
Hope you are having a great day!
Awww I think it's very cute you involved your little one and he was so interested in helping.
BTW, I am very excited for the Office tonight. We'll actually be on our way to California when it airs so I will be watching online tommorrow. Why do I have a feeling Michael will also be trying to get that bouquet? LOL
Thanks for sharing!
Hi - I found your blog via Money Saving Mom, your little boy is too cute for words. I have never made or even tasted pumpkin bread before but might have to try that this fall - sounds perfect for chilly mornings. I'm obsessed with 'The Office' and can't wait for tonight. I look forward to getting to know you and your two boys. Leene
Sorry your pumpkin bread didn't turn out well, but it looks like you had fun!
As for the Office, I can't WAIT to watch the wedding tonight. I'm originally from a town next to Niagara Falls, which is where part of the episode was taped. I'm ready to see what happens...and laugh nonstop!
Kids are the cooks of the future so teach away. Geri
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