Monday, October 12, 2009

In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue...

So in honor of Columbus day, I'm spending the day with my dh who is off. And we will doing something very exciting. Y'all will be so jealous. We are cleaning the house. LOL

We had a great weekend and went to the pumpkin patch. I"ll be posting more on that later this week. I've got Bunco here tomorrow night so we are getting ready for that. Hopefully I'll have some great recipes and pix to share with you on that too.

If you missed my post Friday, be sure to check out my giveaway I've got going on right now. You really want to win this.

Happy Columbus day ya'll. Go crazy!

p.s. As you can see a ghostie swooped into the blog to decorate it for Halloween. Hope you like my new "boo".


Shonda said...

Where do you get the cool backgrounds for your blog? Have a great day, Shelly!

Michelle said...

Now, y'all don't get to carried away with all that cleaning!!!

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