In case you haven't heard, the big BlogHer conference is going on in Chicago starting tomorrow. It sounds like such a cool event and I wish I could have gone. This is the 5th year they've had it. One day when the kids are bigger I'll make it. But, I've discovered the next best thing to being in Chicago. The Blog Hop 09' will feature a bunch of fabulous ladies who will be partying with their blogs in the spirit of being at BlogHer. And I figured I'd help get the party started by letting y'all know about it.
Our hostesses with the mostestes will be Musings of a Housewife Blog and The Pensieve Blog. These ladies are pulling together a great event. Be sure to check it out starting tomorrow. Different blogs will be posting through out the weekend. You can sign up your blog to join in. Or if you don't blog, just come check out the ladies who are participating and leave them a comment on their blog. I'm so excited to "meet" some great new bloggers through this party.
Jo-Lynne with Musings of a Housewife Blog created this fabulous button and was so humble about it. She claims she didn't do anything for the party, but I think this button rocks. Kudos to her for having such a cute way to get the word out! And thanks to Robin at The Pensieve Blog for all her hard work in getting sponsors lined up for fabulous prizes. I myself love fabulous prizes. :)
If you are on Twitter, you can join in all the party goodness by following the gals @BlogHop. I can't wait to see what tweets they have flying in the next few days.
So, be sure to check this out. All the cool kids/bloggers will be there. LOL
See ya there!
I don't get to go this year either, one day, we'll get our chance right? Fun to visit your blog!
Thanks for stopping by!
Looking forward to your Tuesdays and Fridays! Love tips!!
Enjoy your boys!!
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