Wednesday, July 15, 2009

State of Unconsciousness

Well, I'm on day two of no sleep. DH and I were up most of the night with Sawyer. Bless his heart he has a sinus infection and they had to put him on an awful antibiotic. So far he has kept it down, but I've got a call into the pediatrician because even on Tylenol his temp is 103.3. And he has also had the chills. I will be so glad when this is over with and my sweet guy is feeling better. I think it is worse being sick during the summer. At least in the winter you don't want to go outside.

I had a great time last night participating in the Girls Night out #GNO twitter chat through Mom It Forward. I blogged about it yesterday in case you haven't heard about it. I was blessed about a month ago to win one of the prizes on one of their chats. I won an awesome Orville Redenbacher bowl full of their yummy popcorn. I also won a copy of this interesting book called "The Busy Mom's Guide To A Happy, Organized Home" by Kathy Peel. I have to chuckle because I'm so busy, when will I get time to read it. LOL Seriously, I do hope to get my little guy well and everyone on their regular bedtime schedule so I can start checking this book out.

Well, that is all here from the trenches. Wishing y'all a happy, healthy and sleep filled day.

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