With going outside a lot and planning for another beach trip next month, I thought it would be great this Two Tip Tuesday to talk about skin care and protecting yourself from the suns rays. Last week I was in Wal Mart and one of the local hospitals (which is a teaching hospital) had some dermatology folks set up at a table and they were giving away free samples of sunscreen and providing information. I am a firm believer in sun screen. I have to be because both my mom and grandfather have had skin cancer. So, I know there is a family history to consider.
I thought I'd share some of the information I received from them in a pamphlete that had information on sunscreen and skin health because there is some great information to pass along.
Tip #1
"One bad burn as a child can double your chances of getting skin cancer in life." Yikes! This is why I'm always trying to put sunscreen on my kids. Sawyer has eczema and I've found that I can only use the Coppertone babies sunscreen on him. I myself am allergic to things with paba in them (do they even still put that in sunscreen?) so I look for that on labels when I buy for myself. I was very surprised last summer that I tried the Neutrogena sunscreen and it made Sawyer break out. So, we stick with Coppertone Water Babies. I like it because I can get it in small bottles that have a hook attached. It is great for attaching to our diaper bag.
I learned a very interesting fact earlier this summer and it was on this pamphlete. "Sunscreen should not be used on children less than 5 months old." I did not know this. Fortunately for me both of my kids were 6 months when summer rolled around. I asked the folks giving out the information why you can't put sunscreen on a baby and they explained to me that a child who is that young has very thin skin. By applying sunscreen, it would seep through and could actually poison them. That was shocking. So, keep those bitty babies covered with light clothing and keep them in the shade.
Tip #2
What to look for in a Sunscreen to help protect you.
"Broad Spectrum labeled products containing: avobenzone, zinc oxide, and/or titanium are preferred. 'Water Resistant' will last for 40 minutes of water exposure, whereas 'Very Water Resistsant' will last for 80 minutes. Avoid sunscreen/insect repellant combos because the bug spray does not need to be reapplied as often."
If you don't have any sunscreen head to the store now (get out your trench coat and hat and sunglasses and cover up until you buy it LOL) and get some. And if you check the Coppertone website they've got a printable coupon right now for one of their sunscreens. So save some money and get protected at the same time. Have a great Tuesday!
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